Theo Megaw
- At September 25, 2012
- By Jadine Peters
- In blog
Theo Megaw is a recluse. He lives and works between the slumbering mountains and the wide skies at the southern tip of the African continent.
Follow the ragged thread of road that is Prince Alfred Pass and you come to his place. The cottage is built of earth and rough brown stones from the mountains. It was a ruin when Megaw first came to it. Using pine from the coastal plantations he put in a floor, ceiling, doors and windows and put in pipes for water from a mountain stream.
Read More»Fana Malherbe
- At September 25, 2012
- By Jadine Peters
- In blog
After a successful career as a plastic surgeon in Cape Town, Fana Malherbe has now made his lifetime hobby of sculpting his full-time occupation.
Barry Jackson
- At September 25, 2012
- By Jadine Peters
- In blog
Bronze Sculptor Barry Jackson is a second generation South African, born of Scottish and Afrikaner descent. He was born in South Africa in 1949 and raised and educated in Zambia in Central Africa. Barry now lives and works in Cape Town, near to the slopes of Table Mountain.
Read More»Anton Momberg
- At September 25, 2012
- By Jadine Peters
- In blog
Momberg was born in 1951, in Pietersburg, Northern Transvaal. He is a sculptor of portraits and figures, working in bronze, wood, ceramics and polyester resin. Anton Momberg has emerged as arguably South Africa’s finest realist in sculpture, focusing mainly on the female nude. His finely crafted work cast in marble dust and resin has an unearthly, unsettling quality that somehow makes a monolith of the contemporary female form, as distinct from the “Venus” of antiquity.
Momberg has also turned his hand to other subjects he admires, notably an immaculate full length sculptural portrait of Mahatma Gandhi, an edition of which can be viewed at the National Gallery and at the King George VI gallery in Port Elizabeth. The meticulous nature of Momberg’s work and the fact that he casts them himself means that he has at best produced one new sculpture a year over the last ten years, a remarkable and unique commitment to quality in an age of mass production. STUDIES: Port Elizabeth Technikon, under Hillary Graham and Neil Rodger, gaining a Teacher’s Diploma in Fine Art.
Lionel Smit
- At September 13, 2012
- By Jadine Peters
- In blog
Check out some other works by Lionel on his website
Casting Demo Evening
- At September 15, 2011
- By Jadine Peters
- In blog
We had a lovely demonstration evening which was well attended by artist and locals from in and around Stellenbosch and Cape Town. The factory was in full swing and visitors were able to see, first hand, the process of producing bronze sculptures. We had such fun look forward to many more such interactive evenings.
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